Welcome to the Short course on Basic Arguments

This is a online centered course that will take you through the introduction of Basic Arguments.

There will be online assessements, games and videos to assist you with learning the following skills:

  1. Identifying an Basic Argument: What it is and What it is not.
  2. Categorizing the Components of an Basic Argument: What are the parts of an Argument.
  3. Creating an Argument: How to use your skills to create a complette Basic argument.

Here are the Maryland State Standards that this will cover:

  1. MCCRC: RL1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

  2. MCCRC: W1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Here is what you should be able to say that you can do after completing this course:

  1. I can identify basic arguments.
  2. I can categorize the parts of a basic argument.
  3. I can create arguments with precise claims and valid reasoning.

Here is what you will work through in order to be able to accomplish the "I can" statements above: (You can use this section to navigate through the course)

  1. Basic Argument: Pre-test.
  2. Basic Argument: What it is and what it is not.
  3. Argument Identification Game.
  4. Basic Argument: What are the components of a Basic Arguments.
  5. Argument Componet Quiz Game.
  6. Basic Argument: Creating a Basic Argument.
  7. Basic Argument: Post-test.


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