2.3 Examples of Creative Commons in Use

Here are examples of how others are using Creative Commons licenses. You can find other examples from around the world on the Team Open site.

John Wetzel: http://teamopen.cc/john/

Daniel Branan: http://teamopen.cc/daniel/

David Lippman: http://teamopen.cc/david/

Jon Festinger: http://teamopen.cc/jon/

Open Textbook Publishing

Article: Open Textbook Publishing: This is Joe Moxley's story about his experiences creating the Writing Commons. It started as a textbook published by Pearson. Joe received copyright back from Pearson, and then released it as an open textbook.

After reading the article "Open Textbook Publishing", respond to the questions under Discussion, below You can post your responses to the comments on this page.


There are many layers to Joe Moxley's story - the thought processes around choosing licenses, the desire to create community around a resource, the need to work through priorities and the transformation of roles.

  • What are your reactions to Joe's story?
  • Any surprises?
  • Would your story be different?


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