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First week

  1. Contrast: simple present and present continuous

  2. Expressions for suggesting: why don’t we, how about, let’s

  3. Infinitives with too and enough: too hard to do, easy enough to do

  4. Present perfect for indefinite past

  5. Modals of advice (should, ought to)

  6. Future with will and be going to

Second week

  1. Contrast: present perfect and simple past

  2. Modals of ability: can and be able to

  3. Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs

  4. Tag questions

  5. Adjectives and adverbs

  6. Articles: a, an, the

Third week

  1. Non-action verbs

  2. Modals of request: can, could, will, would

  3. So and such

  4. Gerunds as subjects and objects

  5. Modals of possibility: may, might, could

  6. Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself,

Fourth week

  1. Past continuous

  2. Modals of preference: prefer, would, rather

  3. Comparative adjectives

  4. Used to

  5. Wh questions

  6. Indefinite pronouns: someone, anyone, no one

Fifth week

  1. Past continuous with when

  2. Modals of permission: may, could, do you mind if

  3. Comparisons with as + adjective + as

  4. Inseparable phrasal verbs

  5. Gerunds and infinitives

  6. Future time clauses

Sixth week

  1. Infinitives of purpose: I went there to see him

  2. Modals of necessity: have got to, don’t have to, can’t, and must (not)

  3. Participial adjectives: interested, interesting

  4. Present perfect continuous with for and since

  5. Separable phrasal verbs

  6. Superlative adjectives


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