Brain Notes by Opportunist for Lessons

These are notes or random things I use to mentally organize this class and will mess with randomly. I suppose you can see these as hints for things to come.

first things

  • binary code and how it translates with transistors etc*
  • input/output devices
  • flow chart showing how it goes from input to processing which fraternizes with short-term and long-term memory and then goes to output
  • hard-copy =
  • binary code and data intuition
  • circuitry???
  • motherboard components and living conditions and geometry and layout and air
  • different types of motherboards. different nicknames and names for things. consistent. OR MAKE A LIST THING ON THE SIDE IDK.
  • computer ports and color codings
  • ports and pluggy-innies (vocabulary for all this must be ABSOLUTELY correct but if that unsure and meh not MAKE IT PAINFULLY OBVIOUS) and how life works etc hdmi and avi and whatever all these different things
  • what are adaptors what are expansion cards what are the other name i don't remember but it kept throwing me off and i found out they're the same
  • hard drives and wtf even is sczi it has it's own universe now or smthg and stuff and RAID and how processing and stuff works and SSD and HDD and FDD and eventually dabble into C:/ and D:/ etc and get into flash drives and USB PORTS WITH SPEEDS and memory cards and HDD platter thingies and by the way firewire but there was something else what was it i don't remember ehhhhhuhuhuhuhuh flash driiiiiiiiiiveeesssssssssssssssss...ah it's gone tschslk EXTERNAL HARD DRIVES!!! also the software....also driver update things later installation of new things like RAM however that even works i guess you just plug it ?? probably not... -SAFETY AND THE PSU AND STATIC AND ANTI-STATIC BANDS and being grounded GOES WITH CIRCUITRY BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF ELECTRICITY - CONSIDER MAKING THIS IT'S OWN CLASS use bird example for groundingness. What even is grounded though!? And the exceptions for being grounded! Don't mess up! Don't die! And what to clip your bracelet to! Also the hold the power button down trick thing. Consider linking to accidents so people don't get cocky. This is srs.
  • Toolkits and the tools and what they even do and why to not touch chips and how to make up for your losses
  • The BIOS/CMOS thing and the confusion I feel about the interchangableness in terms and explaining why computer people need to be consistent and make sense dammit this is science don't hurt your patient
  • maps and flowcharts and intuition
  • that's all for now I think
  • explain video cards. they're really simple but it's really easy to not teach this correctly and confuse people i think.

^made Sat May 18 9:07pm


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