Learning from the natural world: nature rights and the ecoCitizen

The course will demonstrate a variety of learning methodologies that can be applied back in the workplace. This course is hosted by Sunseed, an off-grid, low impact eco-community with basic facilities including accommodation in a shared dorm, vegetarian food and outdoor compost toilets. Morning sessions are practical activities that introduce the work of different departments - organic gardening, appropriate technology and sustainable living. Course participants will join the community (household rota, job allocation, community announcements) to reflect practical aspects of ecoCitizenship and nature rights.

Monday: 16h Arrival, Welcome, Orientation; 18h Guided tour of the Sunssed project and community facilities; 19h Course overview, learning outcomes; 20h dinner

Tuesday: 09h - 12h Practical session (Organic gardening; Appropriate technology; Sustainable living); 12.15-13.30h Opening workshop - First impressions/reflections and participants' Reflective Logs; 13.30-15h Lunch; 15.30-17h Our Place in Europe - from economic freedoms to human rights...to the rights of the natural world

Wednesday: 09h Practical session (Organic gardening; Appropriate technology; Sustainable living); 12.15-13.30h Learning methods/teaching techniques - Paulo Freire; 15.30h-17.30h Using the natural world to inspire active and participatory learning

Thursday: 09h Practical session (Organic gardening; Appropriate technology; Sustainable living); 12.15-13.30h participants' reflection and feedback; 15.30-17.30h Sunseed - a model for low-impact lifesyles and ecoCitizenship?

Friday 09h - 12h Practical session (Organic gardening; Appropriate technology; Sustainable living); 12.15-13.30h Progress towards learning outcomes/participant needs analysis; 15.30-17.30h Presentations - bringing nature and participation back into the workplace

Saturday - 09h - 12h "I have a Dream" - Martin Luther King's speech for citizenship and human rights: what next for the future of Europe and citizenship? 12.15-13.30h completion of reflective log and Self-Evaluation Form; 15.00-16.00h Final evaluation, follow-up practicalities; farewells


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