Week 4 - Statutory and Voluntary Licences

*Key words: teacher's use of copyright material, statutory licence, statutory text and artistic works licence, statutory broadcast licence, voluntary licence, AMCOS licence, APRA licence, school event licence.

One way you’re allowed to use copyright material in the classroom is under the statutory licences (Statutory Text and Artistic Works Licence and Statutory Broadcast Licence) and the voluntary licences (APRA Licence, AMCOS Licence and School Event Licence) which allow educational institutions to copy certain types of material for educational purposes. Another way is under certain copyright exceptions which deal with specific circumstances (these will be looked at in Week 5).

With Week 4's Readings and tasks you’ll learn the ways in which statutory and voluntary licences allow you to use a wide array of materials in the classroom as well as what activities do not need a licence.

Please post (ie copy and paste) your answers in this week's google folder, under your group number, by the end of Monday June 8 and finish your peer review by the end of Wednesday June 10.

Important Notes:

  • The majority of TAFE institutes are no longer covered by the Statutory Broadcast Licence. Only WA TAFE institutes and one college in NSW have the Statutory Broadcast Licence. Please see the following link for further information about when TAFE institutes can use films and television without relying on the Statutory Broadcast Licence: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/information-sheets/tafe/use-of-television-programs-and-film-by-tafe-institutes-without-a-screenrights-licence.
  • The 3 voluntary music licences (APRA Licence, AMCOS Licence and School Event Licence) are only applicable to schools. To learn about voluntary licences for TAFEs, see: https://www.smartcopying.edu.au/information-sheets/tafe/onemusic-licences-(apra-amcos-ppca).
  • All Government and Catholic schools are covered by the voluntary music licences. If you are an Independent school, check with your school or respective independent schools association to see if your school has opted in.
  • For this task, please assume the educational institution in this question has a Statutory Broadcast Licence, APRA licence, AMCOS licence and School Event Licence.
  • Please do not refer to copyright exceptions in your group answer as these are covered in Week 5.

Kent is an educator and frequently does the following for his classes:

  • Photocopies material from textbooks or student activity books to hand out to students in his class;
  • Scans an entire textbook and uploads the digital copy to his school’s password protected intranet/learning management system for student access;
  • Downloads images from Google Images to put on an interactive whiteboard to present to his class;
  • Uploads a list of website links to Google Classroom for his students to access;
  • Bookmarks links to websites for later display on an interactive whiteboard to his class;
  • Prints a city map of Melbourne from the internet for each student in his class;
  • Downloads other people's lecture notes, student quizzes and PowerPoints from iTunesU;
  • Records a copy broadcast of a free-to-air TV program to play to the class;
  • Purchases a copy of a television broadcast from a Resource Centre to play to his class.
  • Photocopies from a single set of sheet music, which he has purchased, for each student in his high school music class;
  • Gets them to sing a well-known song at a school assembly; and
  • Plays recordings of songs at school sports days during year.

Questions (to be answered by each group):

Note: If you need additional information to answer any of these questions, identify that information and how it would influence your responses. Do not answer these questions according to a copyright exception. Please focus on the statutory licences

Review each of the above activities and answer the following:

  1. Is Kent allowed to do each of the activities listed above under the statutory licences? Keep in mind each example may include multiple activities that you need to address.
  2. If he is allowed to, please specify: a) under which licence and b) any restrictions of the licence (eg only 10%, must attribute/label, must be kept behind a password protected system, must include a copyright notice, etc).

Questions to assist your understanding (answers not to be submitted)

  • What is a statutory licence?
  • What are some of the limitations a statutory licence?
  • What is the difference between free use of copyright material and material used according to a statutory licence?
  • What is a voluntary licence?
  • What are some of the implications of a voluntary licence?
  • What is the difference between the type of material covered by the AMCOS Licence versus the APRA Licence?


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