Week 4 - Readings


This week, you will learn about statutory and voluntary licences. The statutory licences allow mass photocopying and other reproduction of copyright material for educational purposes. However, the School and TAFE sector pays significant fees for these licences and there are limitations. Therefore, it is important as teachers that you know both what is and what is not permitted under these licences. Likewise, the voluntary licences allow photocopying and other reproduction of certain copyright material for educational purposes. However, like the statutory licences, the School sectors pay significant fees to purchase these licences and there are limitations. Therefore, it is important as teachers that you know both what is and what is not permitted under these licences.

Readings and Resources

Selected links to Smartcopying Website

Selected PowerPoint presentations from the National Copyright Unit's slideshare site:

Copyright 4 Educators - Schools 2020 from National Copyright Unit, COAG Education Council

Copyright 4 Educators - TAFE 2020 from National Copyright Unit, COAG Education Council

Extended reading:


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