Lesson 1

In the first lesson you will be covering the first two chapters which are

  • Chapter 1: Redefining Entropy
  • Chapter 2: Something and Nothing

In the first chapter you will be introduced to the terms entropy, force and disequilibrium. The first and maybe the biggest concept behind Green State Dynamics is the need for scientists to use the appropriate words to describe theories and concepts. GSD argues that there is no such thing as disorder and that the word "force" is commonly misapplied. According to GSD all so called forces are merely different forms of disequilibrium or equilibrium.

In the second chapter you will be introduced to the concept that the Universe is able to exist with nothing more than something (energy), nothing (space) and the laws of math which include equilibrium and disequilibrium. The concept of force will be anayzed as merely an effect of disequilibrium and equilibrium instead of something concieved in the minds of scientists.

Chapter Two In this chapter you are presented with the concept of a world beiong created out of the most basic elements possible which are energy and space. The next video is not a video on Green State Dynamics but rather one of many videos on the current big bang theory.

Advanced Video Instruction

This video is included for those who wish to review or discover what can be a complex theory to grasp


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