Design Your Assessment

Learning Design for Badges in 4 Steps

Your Task: Identify the learning goals that folks will master in your learning project, and post the criteria for the Badge below.

Best Practices on Learning Design

  • Your course has "learning goals"--or things you intend for folks to learn.
  • The project they make in your course should demonstrate an understanding of those skills.
  • So the Badge for your course should reference those learning goals.

Example: if you course is on "Mastering Sonnets" the final project might be an original sonnet. A relevant Badge for the course might be "Sonnet Bard" which has a mastery of of iambic pentameter, end rhymes and originality as the criteria.

Nuts and Bolts of Making a Stellar Badge

Step 1: Identify Learning Goals:. What do you want folks to learn in your course?

Step 2: Create Badge title: Navigate on over to and give your Badge a snappy title that people might want to apply for.

Step 3: Description: Think of this as a subtitle. The following info would be appropriate here:

  • Is this Badge for a P2PU course? If so, pop the link in there.
  • Is the Badge associated with a School (like School of Open) or an Organization (like Mozilla)?
  • Is the Badge for an event like a Hackathon or a Meetup?

Step 4: Criteria:: There are many pathways to a successful project. Which skills in particular should the learner show that they have mastered? Examples:

  • Successfully creating a circuit schematic with proper resistors
  • Defining Creative Commons licenses correctly
  • Building a Prezi with 5 animations

Your Task: Identify the learning goals that folks will master in your learning project, and post the criteria for the Badge below.


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