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Diving into data [May 24, 2012, 6:45 a.m.]


For a data wrangler there is nothing more interesting than a vast spreadsheet full of data. Once you know what to look for, you will discover all kinds of interesting things within the data. 
For now don't worry too much about what you are looking for - let's start by getting our hands on some data sets that may contain interesting things. Some data, such as GDP per capita, is easier to find than others. Try to find some of the less common data that describes your country. 
In this task you are working through the early stages in the data wrangler pipeline [link] "finding, retrieving and cleaning"
Good starting points to find country level data:
[Optional] Insert content on licensing / formats / etc. 
Here is your task:
  • Find a few data sources that contain information about your country and answer the following questions below (or write a blog post and share the link)
  • List some of the data sources you were able to find (include URLs so others can download the data as well)
  • Was there data you were looking for but couldn't find?
  • If you get stuck - describe your problem and someone else in the course may be able to help you get unstuck