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The question and the goal [May 24, 2012, 6:41 a.m.]


Data isn't an end in itself. We usually want data to help us answer some question or help us do some activity. To begin with, we will give you an example below, but your task is to find your own question about your country. In the following steps you'll find data to analyze and answer it.
In this course you will argue that your country is unique in some way and use data to back up your claim.  At the end you should be able to make a statement like this. 
"Namiba is unique in terms of population density. It's a vast (and beautiful) country with a population of only 2.1 Million people. It's population desntiy is 2.54/km2 which makes it 235th of all countries." The statement would be backed up by some nice and tidy data in a spreadsheet.
Here are some worked examples that show how different people tackled the question in different ways:
Your task:
  • Review at least one of the worked example above
  • Post any questions / comments you may have below
  • No questions? Move straight on to the next task ...