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Let the Editor Choose You [Oct. 19, 2011, 10:52 p.m.]

Depending on the operating system that you're using, you'll have different options available to you in terms of which text editor you can install.Some of these editors are not free, but we've listed them because they're robust and available for a short period in a trial mode. Trying them out won't cost you anything financially.

There are many more text editors available for each platform and we'd encourage you to search around if none of the editors on this page choose you.
If you're running Windows –
  • Notepad++ 
  • ConTEXT
  • E Text Editor
If you're running OS X –
  • TextWrangler
  • TextMate
  • Sublime Text
If you're running Linux –
  • Gedit
  • Kate
  • Bluefish
Spend the next hour or so trying out the various text editors available for your operating system. With each one create a file called 'helloworld.html'. Into that file you should enter the html that you wrote by hand in the previous challenge.
If one of the text editors feels more comfortable than the others, then congratulations; a text editor just chose you. You are now a fierce webcraft warrior and you now have your trusty sword.
Spend about 40 minutes on this task.