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And there shall be stuff! Let the dream be true

Wait a second, you are not done. Until you materialize the object, it is all a blueprint. Print now! Discover all the possibilities and limitations


It's like a dream coming true to make your creation materialize in real life! Explore the print feature on Tinkercad and check out the cool printing houses like Shapeway and iMaterliase. Watch out there are a lot of restrictions on materials, thickness, size etc... 3D printing isn't cheap be cautious before ordering real prints. Try print something

Alternatively, you can post a conceptual illustration of a 3D printer (recommended task componet). Just like 2D printer, the 3D Printer simply prints except it does so in 3D. It has a structure that is not too different from a regular printer. Give a conceptual artistic or simple crisp design graph of what 3D printers are all about. Hint there are only a few main parts. Ignore the details of electronics for now.

To complete the task you will need to: 

1. Optional: Print something for real and post the screen shot here

2. Optional: draw a quick conceptual illustration of a 3D printer (highly recommended)

3. Must: Research on printing websites and conclude what are the two different materials you would use for your creation rendered earlier in this challenge. And why? Try two completely different materials like alumnide versus ABS (the plastic lego is made of). Post your conclusion here and also post the minimum wall thickness.

4. Must: Watch a brief Youtube video of how 3D Printers actually work. Just any that show you how are things printed. Extruder producing spaghetti like material is a key word. (if you have seen 3D Printing in real life, skip this one)

Task Discussion

  • applejux said:

    i would also go for PLA. as stated previosuly it's a renewable material derived from corn. I think a 5mm thinkness would do the job too!

    on March 15, 2013, 1:24 p.m.
  • Yantho said:

    I would choose PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) since it comes from corn stach and it is biodegradable.  I'm interested in 3D printing with students, so I think is important to make the most environmentally responsible choice on material.  

    The minimum thickness would be 2mm.  PLA is paintable so using white is ok.  Coloured PLA needs to be 3mm thick to be strong.

    on March 15, 2013, 1:17 p.m.
  • Leonie McGlashan said:

    This video was very informative


    I would use PLA because it is a renewable material derived from corn starch and resins to make my object, with a thinkness of 5mm.

    on Nov. 7, 2012, 4:22 a.m.
  • Javier del Álamo said:

    Here is something I printed and paint, there are photos before and after painting. I use ABS but PLA is another valid option. Both minimum wall thickness I recomend is aproximately 2 mm.

    Here you will find a Printrbot printing video. Enjoy!!!

    on July 16, 2012, 8 a.m.