Understanding Video Files [Dec. 15, 2012, 10:33 a.m.]
This task aims to give an introductory look at what makes up a video file. To do this we will download a video file and take a look at what is inside.
Download a video file from a video sharing site that make it easy to do this. If you are not sure then you can visit engagemedia.org and follow these instructions.
Choose a video and go to the page of the video. When you have a player
Click on one of the videos options under download. Let's click on webm low res to download this and for comparison let's also download the mp4 high res to compare it.
We can play these file on our desktop using an video playing applications like movie player, or VLC or iTunes. To support open video we recomend that you use VLC player, a great open source solution.
However, just playing the file doesn't help us to really understand what is inside it. To find out more we will use another Free Software programme called Media Info. You can download it from here.
Using MediaInfo to investigate the anatomy of video files
When you have installed MediaInfo launch it and you should get an interface like the one shown below.
Let's open one of our video files by clicking on the Open File icon or selecting File > Open > Open File(s) from the menu.
When we open the video file MediaInfo reads the file but instead of playing the video it displays information about it.
Task -
Open a video file and examine the different parts of it, streams, metadata,