This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

What Next for Open Video [Jan. 9, 2013, 1:45 p.m.]

This task is just an excuse to share some of the future possibilities of open video that excite us.

There were some fantastic debates and lines of thinking at the Open Video Forum on this subject.

We were not able to spend the time needed to finish this chapter but some of the ideas generated included the following bullet points.

  • Open Video and Hybrid Distribution
  • Last Mile issues and Open Video
  • Open Hardware - how much autonomy do we want?
  • Using SD card distribution
  • Smart phone / feature phones in Africa and the next 5 years

Rather than skipping this area completely. We thought we would turn over the lead to you guys taking the course.

Assesment Task

Write a blog post or comment on this course about the aspects that excite you about Open Video.