This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Writing A story

You all will write a story. yall will have to work together and write a story about something. we will grade it. has to be over a 85% or you will get an c on your report card. Example 1: Many years ago, on my way from Hongkong to New York, I passed a week in San Francisco. A long time had gone by since I had been in that city, during which my ventures in the Orient had prospered beyond my hope; I was rich and could afford to revisit my own country to renew my friendship with such of the companions of my youth as still lived and remembered me with the old affection. Chief of these, I hoped, was Mohun Dampier, an old schoolmate with whom I had held a desultory correspondence which had long ceased, as is the way of correspondence between men. You may have observed that the indisposition to write a merely social letter is in the ratio of the square of the distance between you and your correspondent. It is a law. Like that but make sure it has good grammer and things like that. you all can do it the way you want like video chat and do it or text or email or go to they house and do it

Task Discussion