This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Prepare your activity for dissemination

Write out your activity in full, following the template we provide.

Write out a guide for how to do your experiment which includes:

  • Succinct 1-2 line description of design goal (you should already have this)
  • List of Materials
  • Instructions on how to complete the activity*
  • Relation of the concept and activity to your professional work
  • Four probing question that students need to answer to complete your activity.  The questions should probe student understanding of your Core Idea.  One of the questions should be a simple "show us you design and how it works."

If writing the activity directly for the Curiosity Machine, use this template. Save a copy of this google document, and fill it in with information from your design challenge.

If you can, it is also very helpful to think of a simplified analogy you can use to explain your concept.

*The step by step description should not be exact: the activity should have an open-ended design challenge, so participants shouldn't be lead to one and only one solution.  The steps should describe generally the order of operations needed to go through the process- so each step should describe what someone needs to do, but not how to do it.

TO COMPLETE THIS TASK: It's a freebie! Just have the template filled out, and leave us a nice post below! We'll ask you to share the template in the next step.

Task Discussion