Be Safe Online!
The internet is a great tool for sharing pictures, projects, and stories with others. However, what is hard for many people to realize is that even though you are interacting with a computer screen, you are actually posting your information in a very public place! It's like standing on a box in a large crowd of people. You are telling the crowd about your life. Some people in the crowd may be walking by and not listening. Others may be interested in what you have to say. Many of these strangers may be trustworthy and may even become new friends. There is also a chance that some of these users may want to harm you. It is important to be cautious online.
- Do not share personal information with online users or websites.
- Approach users caustiously. It is ok to share ideas and interests with users online, but do not share anything that may lead a user to you such as a phone number, address, or even the name of your school.
- In most cases, if we are nice to other users online, they will most likely be nice to us.
- Just like real life, there are consquences for our actions online. Being mean to users online may result in being blocked or removed from a website.
- You should also screen what we share online. Posting a funny picture of us may be fun between friends, but what happens when we lose those friends? Will they use what we share against us? Always be a smart sharer. Approach sharing of infromation with caution even with our friends.
- You are not alone online. If someone is being mean, block them or report the user. Tell a trusted adult. They can help!
- Watch an instructional video about being safe online:
2. Post a brief constructed response in the comments section answering the following:
- Why is it important to cautiously interact with websites and online users?
The responses will be reviewed by peers as a demonstration of learning. Users will need their responses reviewed by 2 peers in order to earn the badge.