Become a Trusted-User! Putting it all together.
Can BCPSS trust you with their technology investment? Remember, the use of district technology is a privledge, not a right. If you are found in violation of the AUP, your privlege may be revoked, or you may even be punished by law! It is important to use technology within the guidelines illustrated by the AUP.
In order for you to gain the coveted title of "Trusted-User" take our quiz. It will assess your knowledge of online safety and BCPSS AUP for students and parents. In the comments section, post your answers to the questions and a short explanation of why you answered that way. Your responses should be in your own words. After 2 peer reviews, you will complete this task successfully! Mutliple choice questions courtesy of Brain Pop
1. Parents and students need to sign and follow the BCPSS Acceptable Use Policy in order to use technology at schools.
True or False
2. You do not like the desktop image of a hill and skyline on the computer you are using. According to the BCPSS AUP, are you allowed to change the image to a picture of you and your friends from a field trip?
True or False
3. You have an online assignment to watch an educational video on animals. Your browser at your workstation will not play the video. It says that you need to install the latest version of the Adobe Flash plug-in. Since the previous version was already installed, is it acceptable for you to update the plug-in to the most current version?
Yes or No
4. The teacher gives you, as a student, free work time in class. Since you have been working hard and your project is finished, is it acceptable to use a school computer to play a game, watch a movie, or listen to your favorite music artist?
Yes or No
5. If you're confronted by a difficult situation online, and you don't know exactly how to handle it, what should you do?
A. Ask an online friend for help
B. Turn off the computer
C. Make an educated guess
D. Tell an adult you trust
6. Why do you need to be more cautious with friends you meet online than with friends you meet at school?
A. Most people on the internet aren't as trustworthy as people in the real world
B. Friendships that begin online aren't real
C. Online, its more more difficult to tell if a person is who they say they are
D. Websites have very strict rules about online friends
7. What kind of personal information is it okay to reveal online?
A. Your phone number
B. The name of your school
C. Your home address
D. Your favorite actor
8. When is it okay to submit your personal information to a website?
A. When one of your friends tells you that the site is safe
B. When your parents say its okay
C. When you receive an email requesting personal information
D. When all of your friends have already don it.
9. Olive is a 12 year-old girl living in Orlando Florida. Whoch of the following screen names is the safest for her?
A. OliveBet55
B. Florida_Gurl
C. AstroCat
D. TweenChick98