BCPSS knows that in order to prepare us for our future, we need digital literacy. Digital Literacy is the ability to use a variety of technology fluently. The best way to develop digital literacy is by using technology in meaningful ways. Technology is a gateway to literally anything we want to learn about. Naturally, this makes technology an essential part of our classroom and personal learning! The district has made a large investment in technology for us to use. We must take care of it so that many others can benefit from it. The district has created a document listing rules and responsibilites in order to protect their investment. This document is called the Acceptable Use Policy. Everyone(Adminstrators, Teachers, Students, and Parents) in the district must agree to the policy in order to use the technology.
Let's pretend you lend a book to a friend. The friend tells you everyday what they are enjoying about the book and you have discussions during your friend's progression through the book. However, the friend eats and drinks around the book and it gets soiled. This naturally upsets you and tell the friend to be more considerate around the book. Then, your friend leaves the book on the bus on the way to school. The book is lost forever! In the future, would you lend the friend anything else? The district is trying to protect its investment in technology. The AUP is a layout of rules in order to keep technology functional and users safe online.
- The following is a presentation that summarizes our district's Acceptable Use Policy for Students and Parents. It was created by the Reach! Project School in Baltimore City. You need an application such as Microsoft Office Power Point to view the presentation. A viewer may be found here. View the AUP Student Presentation
- Afteward, please post a response answering the following question to demonstrate your knowledge of the districts Acceptable Use Policy: Why is important to sign and pledge to follow the district's AUP?
- Find your school's Technology Lead or visit your principal to sign the AUP for Students and Parents.