Introduction [May 24, 2012, 5:04 a.m.]
The point of a course for me is not really about lecturing. It's about collaborating. A shared journey. Teaching each other. That kind of thing. So I've decided to create a series of challenges. This being the first.
My vision is to share what I've learnt about the effect of activity on the cells of your body. Helping you grow stronger and have more fun but also help prevent major diseases. Thing is, I don't want it to be boring. I like to teach through fun and explorative play.
So I've written the content for a course but it's quite dry. I've kept it relatively short and a low non techie level for the most part. I want to turn it into a game. You'll learn the same stuff but through playing and overcoming challenges. I've created an app to complement the course. Now I want to reverse it. The course complements the app. The app becomes the game. I've figured out the technical side, logistics, pedagogy etc at a basic level. Now I'm just going to set regular challenges as steps to get me where I need to go.
There isn't much there yet. I'll just keep updating over time. If you're interested in helping then please let me know. I'm not expecting loads of input. Just anything you can give really. Particularly useful is advice from someone who's used to engaging people with educational content.
If all goes to plan we’ll build a community to take this idea further. Develop ground breaking ways to explore the cells of our body and have fun exploring how this affects our lives and the lives of those we care about.
The dream is to make some virtual building blocks of the body. So you can literally hold them in our hands and learn how your body works by seeing it for yourself. Making changes to see the consequences. Then experimenting to see what would work for you. With all that help what’s going to stop you living the life you dream of.
It’s a crazy dream I admit. But it’s inspired me for twenty years and lead to a lot of fun. So come join in.