Web Tools for Delivering Learning Resources [April 15, 2012, 12:41 p.m.]
(Source: Guildwood Community Presbyterian Church )
The role as a Networked Teacher is almost like a conductor and when you deliver the learning resource you created it has to be adapted to the intended audience. In this task you have to explan how you will deliver the material:
A. Before (How does students prepare?)
B. During (How does students interact?)
C. After (How does students follow up?)
You might only need one of this aspects for delivering and sometimes the before and after is the same method. Bonus assigment is to try to present present both verbal and graphical information according to the modality principle.
Example: The webzine I mentioned can be used before my presentation, but I would probably also give the students a question: Can you find an example of Networked Learning in your own life? During the presentation I have divided the material into two youtube videos: Educator Prophet #1.1 and Educator Prophet #1.2. This allow me to play the videos in a google hangout if it is a smaller group. I can also share the screen in Skype or invite participants to a LiveStream. Finally after the presentation the webzine and recorded LiveStream is available, but I also created a slideshare