This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Commenting - Connect and Dream [Oct. 25, 2012, 9:41 a.m.]

Search on Youth Voices< to find several recent Discussions about:

  • an issue that you are also doing research on (for Text-dependent Resarrch)
  • a book you are also reading (for Independent Reading)

Use Comment Guides: General Discussion or Agree/Disagree to write several 5-paragraph comments.

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After you have completed your comments on Youth Voices, come back to this task on P2PU, and click the Post Comment button. Then add links to your comments on Youth Voices. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done.

Remember to use the comment guides--General Discussion or Agree/Disagree--to your best advantage. A comment on Youth Voices should be five paragraphs long so that you can do the four "moves" listed below.

However, we also encourage students to break out of the overly structured "sentence starters" of these guides and create your own kinds of response.

But again, we do ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Speak directly to the student or teacher whose post you are responding to
  2. Quote from the post or describe specific details (of an image or video).
  3. Relate the work to your own experiences or to another text, image, video, or audio that this one reminds you of.
  4. Be encouraging and generous with your remarks. End on a positive note.