This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Reading Response - Notice and Investigate

Analyze the text and draw conclusions about what it means.

Read for at least  2 more hours. Your goal is to finish your book or article(s) before the 4 Tasks of this Challenge are completed.

You can do this in one sitting or you can do it 4 times for thirty minutes each time or 6 times for twenty minutes each. But it has to be focused, uninterrupted reading. No multi-tasking during your reading time.

After you've read your book or your article for at least more more 2 hours, open a NEW Google Document and plan to write for about 30 minutes.

Begin by freewriting about your text. Write non-stop for 5 or ten minutes about anything that comes into your head about your book or article.

Then turn to the Literature Response Guides or to this guide, "General Response to a Non-Fiction Article. Describe how something is an example of a basic pattern that you've learned about in other books or articles or other media. Or describe something about a character, the plot, the theme, or some other element of your text.

Share your Doc with a teacher and a couple of peers, and ask them to make a couple of comments. Do not publish it on Youth Voices yet. Also make your document public.

In the Post Comment button here (on P2PU) add a link to your Google Document. You can find the link to your Google Document under the Share button. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done .

We encourage students to break out of the overly structured guides and create your own kinds of response. However, we do ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Begin by doing a freewrite: your first thoughts about this section of the book or article. You'll need to revise this writing before you publish it on Youth Voices.
  2. Be specific about your response to your reading, and give an example from the text. Quote from the text.
  3. Quote a second section from the text when you make connections, ask questions, track elements of the text, or compare it to other things.
  4. End by predicting what you think might happen next, and say how you feel about continuing your reading.


Alternative Assignment

Find your own book or read the first chapter of Black Boy and do this mini-project.

Image for issue at Youth Voices

We want you to build a Google Presentation around a Presentation template that we’ve put up in Google Templates called Reading Black Boy - Chapter 1. Each of the ten slides contains an image representing 2 to 6 pages in the first chapter of Black Boy. Your job is to record yourself and/or your peers on video, get it uploaded to YouTube, then insert at least one video on each page of your presentation.


Task Discussion

  • davonc said:

    Freewrite: As i read further in the book piri is now returning from his travels from “down south” now with a strong hate for white people because of his racial experiences in the south. Piri started to use drugs hard, i wonder if his addiction showed in his face sometimes you can tell when a fein is strung out or addicted to a drug. earlier in the book i never thought by the time i reached the the high chapters that piri will become a fein.

        The 21st chapter of “Down these mean streets” by Piri Thomas might leave a reader feeling sympathetic, because Piri always feels the need to belong or be accepted he allowed his friends to turn him into a junky. An example of this is on page 200.  I made it back to Harlem after that, back to hallways, rooftops, and amigos pads__and back to real drugs. Heroin does a lot for me__and its all bad. It becomes your whole life once you allow it to sink its white teeth in your bloodstream. I never figured on getting hooked all the way. This is sad because i didn't want or expect to see Piri turn into a heroin addict.

        So far, the theme and main character Piri in ”Down these mean streets” might remind a reader of the story in another book. In Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers the Main character, similar to Piri in “Down these means streets”, does things to fit in that leads him into trouble. Both Piri and Jamal both “feel the need to belong”. Interesting fact is that both boys are from Harlem.

         After this part of the book, most readers probably will be looking forward to reading the rest of this book because like I, another reader might hope that Piri kicks this bad habit and do something that can lead to him living a better life. What's probably going to happen next is maybe Piri might die in the streets because of his addiction, his addiction might lead him to doing something dumb that will end with him in jail. If he goes to jail that;ll be better then him dead because then he can kick his drug habit and focus on making a better life for himself.  

    on June 24, 2013, 10:05 a.m.
  • Joey Pappas said:

    on April 14, 2013, 11:06 p.m.
  • ShamarS said:

    on April 3, 2013, 1:57 p.m.
  • josev said:

    This book Things Get Hectic is very similar to a book that i've read in the past which I really enjoyed reading. The name of the book is called, “Freedom Writers”. As you may know these two books are about teens growing up in the ghetto, having to deal with drugs guns and gangs. I am still reading Things Get Hectic and i'm enjoying it a lot i hope these kids really end up doing good just like the kids in Freedom Writers did hopefully its not too late. Not all of the stories are about violence some are about kids that don't have citizenship and want it but don't see the point of being an american if the cops treat you like crap. I agree with them because now the cops are very corrupted and I don't know about back then but i'm pretty sure they were also. This was What I was reading about last in Things Get Hectic.
    The third chapter in Things Get Hectic, which is titled as. What Happened To My American Dream. By Natalie Neptune, might have a reader sympathetic but also wondering to people because of how people are treated as american citizens as she explained. An example of this is on page 27 “Over the summer while I was working at New Youth Connections, I traveled into Manhattan regularly for the first time in my life, and I began to notice the way black people and other minorities worked in the little jobs-behind the counter or cleaning up the parks- while the White people hurried off to offices in suits and ties. I wonder why almost all the cab drivers were indian, black, or middle eastern, while almost all the passengers were White.” This is ignorance to me because White people are not the only ones in suits and ties there are plenty of blacks and minorities that work in offices. In my opinion people just look for excuses so that people can feel bad for them and honestly that will get you nowhere but behind the counter or cleaning parks for a living. Yes there are more white people in offices but why is that because they work hard to get there. Dont think im a racist because then you really don't know what it means like most of you but get off you butt and work hard now so that you can lay back later these white people don't have anyone to feel sorry for them and thats the problem with the minorities they wanna make white people look bad by saying stupid things like that. Im white and spanish and ima be one of the few minorities to wear a suit and a tie but its cuz im working hard for it. I hope none of you reading this hate me but I speak the truth.
    So far the themes in Things Get Hectic might remind a reader of the story in another book. In Freedom Writers the teens are going through rough times due to the area that they are being raised in but I believe that anyone can overcome that issue if they block it out with other things such as after school activities for extra credit or even find a part-time job so that they can feel like if they have a little responsibility.
    After this part of the book, most readers probably will or will not be looking forward to reading it because to me this chapter kinda upset me but I still want to continue reading it because i'm desperate to know what is going to happen next this book is very mysterious you just don't know what the next writer is going to talk about. I guess thats why im so into it.

    on Feb. 27, 2013, 10:42 a.m.
  • JPChris said:

    We all either have a friend who gets all the girls or know a guy like that. A guy who can get any girl without effort. A guy who loves being around women and talking about women. A guy who has a lot of girlfriends and talks to every girl he sees. I recently started reading a book titled “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz. It’s about a young Dominican boy named Oscar who when young (back when he was 7 years old) had good luck with the ladies. He use to get them all, even had 2 girlfriends at the same time. In family parties he would be the only young guy dancing with the girls. You know how it was when 2 young kids dance with each other in adult way, hip against hip, grinding haha. I remember when I use to do that how all the men in my family would cheer me on. Oscar was no different he use to love it. Even though Oscar was a ladies man his downfall came when he got attached to one girl.. Maritza. Maritza dumped Oscar and oh boy did it hurt him. He started gaining weight, getting fat and ugly. His evolution to becoming a nerd has just begun.

    The beginning of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz might leave a reader feeling entertained because it’s so funny and realistic. The reader might start to think that when Oscar grows up his going to be getting all the girls. “His going to be such a player” I said to myself when I finished reading the second page. An example if this is on page 2 “The girls--his sister Lola’s friends, his mother’s friends, even their neighbor, Mari Colon, a thirty- something postal employee who wore red on her lips and walked like she had a bell for an ass--all purportedly fell for him”. This is crazy because Oscar is just 7 years old getting any girls he desires. When I was 7 all I was thinking about was Video Games, not girls. Oscar was really the true definition of a ladies man.

    A reader’s question might start on page 16 where it says: “It seemed to Oscar that from the moment Maritza dumped him--Shazam!--his life started going down the tubes”. This is important because you would have never thought that Oscar would get his heartbroken, I mean this guy was getting all the girls. You would never look at him as the type of guy to get attached or fall in love. I mean he was just 7 years old did he really like Maritza that much? I was so disappointed in him. The author seems to be making the point that even though Oscar was a ladies man, he was still young minded and full of emotion. He got attached to Maritza for her looks and not her personality. That was his big downfall.

    After this part of the book most readers probably will be looking forward to reading the rest of this book because they will be eager to see how Oscar will be as he gets older. Did the heartbreak really affect him on the long run or was it just puppy love? Will Oscar still be a ladies man or did he lose his swag? Who knows, what I think is going to happen next is Oscar might just get a new girlfriend.. He might just get attached to a new girl.

    on Feb. 22, 2013, 11:23 a.m.
  • Aaron said:


    I'm reading this book called “ Thing Get Hectic ” by youth communication. I can really relate to this book because in this book they talk about nothing but things teens go threw in this generation. most adult thinks kids act out and show off because the want to but really its because u have to. For example if a group of kids see a boy who isn't dressed right or looks like a punk they see him or her as an easy target .So kids try their hardest to impress their peers because they don't want these type of things to happened to them. me personally i don't have to go threw this because i can fight I've been boxing for about 5 years now and i wish someone would try something funny.

    In the start of chapter 3 they talk about how a boy wants to fight another boy just because he wasn't from the same neighborhood and he was look at the kid funny. I can relate to this because this also happened to to me one time. It was about 2 years ago on Gun-hill road in The Bronx and I was just sitting in the park with one of my lady friends when a kid approached me asking me where I was from and why am I in this park. I responded “ Boy please” and Thats when he threw his slow right hook which I weaved and then slammed him on his head but right after that a group of his friends were on me. Now I'm on the floor covering my face but I wasn't hurt they didn't know what they was doing . But i the story the boy came back and sent a couple shots at the boy who approached him. I didn't take it to that level because i rather beat someone up before taking their live , but this just goes to show that you never know what will happened if you mess with the wrong person.

    After this part of the book , most readers will probably have gone through this same thing or at least knows someone that has and this will make them want to read more just like I will just to see what other thing they have in this book that I can related to.

    on Feb. 22, 2013, 10:44 a.m.
  • karina said:

    on Dec. 13, 2012, 2:26 p.m.
  • chappelle said:

    Abraham Growing up & Becoming An Man ! | In the Second & Third chapter of Tanya Savory book Abraham Lincoln “A Giant Among Presidents” from the The Townsend library, the author talks about Lincoln as a young boy and the obstacles him...

    on Dec. 5, 2012, 1:30 p.m.
  • michelle said:

    Chapters five and six pages 27 to 32 of “My Bloody Life: The of a Latin King” By Reymundo Sanchez. Might leave the reader feeling at ease because it seems like the author has changed the whole dynamic of the characters attitude, at first the character feels as if he has cannot defend himself and he feels like he has no one by his side but this suddenly changes. An example of why is on page 27 “As I lay there in pain saying to myself, “Man, what’s with this? What have i done to him?” A sudden rage came over me. I didn’t feel the pain anymore. I walked over to the table, grabbed the plate of food, and hit Pedro in the face with it.” This is shocking to me as the reader, because at first i thought that Reymundo did not have the guts to stand up for himself and defend himself but he changed my attitude towards him because he defends his self in this chapter.

    Something interesting happens on page 27 where it says “Even though i kept to myself, Pedro still found reasons to start fights with me. But since i had hit him back he wouldn’t just start beating me. He would threaten me with his gun instead.” This is an important point in the plot because I think this is an interesting part of the book because throughout the whole book Reymundo is scared for his life and was unable to defend himself but now that he has Pedro took it from beatings to threatening Reymundo’s life with a gun, it was predictable to me that sooner or later Reymundo would grow the confidence to defend himself.

    After this part of the book, most readers probably will be looking forward to reading the rest of this book because i think this book is really interesting and keeps the reader interested and in suspense about what's going to happen next in the book. What’s going to happen next is Reymundo will seek attention from The Spanish Lords. Which is a group of kids that hang out and party together, sell drugs etc, and i feel like he will get into a lot of trouble just to fit in with his new friends.

    on Nov. 27, 2012, 1:06 p.m.
  • curtisc said:

    In book 2 Round 1-4 pages 90 - 120 might leave a reader feeling thrilled on how sapo attacked his english teacher. the example is on page 90. “ thass right i won’t prove you wrong but i’ll will be jamming your wife.” the class was silent because that wasnt any longer but an insult. sapo turned his back and started to walk towards the door. mr blessington charged towards him and grabbed him by his shoulder. sapo wasn’t trying to stay so mr.blessington put him in the headlock. soon as he let him go sapo jumped on his back and bite him on his neck.

    So far in the theme might remind readers of how one thing can lead another , and how the teachers abuse students. also themes in another book. like in this movie i was watching called the hills of eyes. they was eating people from left and right. in the book bodega dreams book 2 sapo bites his teacher as if he was one of the monsters from the movie.  what is similar about the book and the movie is that both sapo and the deformed monsters bites people also has a changed image.

    what is different from both book and movie is that in the movie the deformed people live off of eating people , and in the book sapo just bite his teacher because he held him the headlock. what i think is going to happen next is that sapo will go to juvie , if he don’t tell the truth.

    on Nov. 14, 2012, 12:19 p.m.
  • Deanf said:

    Malcolm X chapter 3

    The third chapter might leave a reader feeling more interested as the story goes on, we learn that Malcolm used to do things that he now regrets and learned from. For an example, on page 45 to the end of the chapter Malcolm tells us how he learned to wear a hairstyle called a “conk”. This conk was mostly worn by white men. which was took on upon the black youth of his time and worn to look similar to the white men.

    Something interesting happens on page 48 second paragraph. Where it says “ When I got home, Ella said there had been a telephone call from somebody named Shorty. He had a left that over at the Roseland state ballroom, the shoeshine boy was quitting that night, and Shorty had told him to hold the job for me.”  Malcolm had met a friend named Shorty. Shorty asked around and help Malcolm to get a job as a shoeshine boy, near a ballroom where big dances were kept for the town people.

    After this part of the book, most people will be looking forward to reading the rest of the book because it shows a major part in how his life changes slowly. He got his first job not too long after his arrival to Georgia. He starts to change his appearance to fit in. My prediction on the next turning point in the story, might have something to do with after he begins the job working at the ballroom.

    on Nov. 13, 2012, 1:21 p.m.
  • Anthonyf said:

    on Oct. 15, 2012, 12:39 p.m.
  • KrittLee said:

    on Oct. 4, 2012, 12:13 p.m.
  • ashleynicole said:

    on Sept. 20, 2012, 11:51 a.m.
  • ZoeC said:

    on Sept. 12, 2012, 8:05 p.m.