Commenting - Reflect and Connect [Oct. 15, 2012, 8:54 a.m.]
Comment on any Youth Voices Discussion.
- Use Comment Guides: General Discussion or Agree/Disagree.
- Choose a topic that you are interested in, then add a key word from one of these lists, depending on the class you are in or the kind of study you would like to do:
Economics |
American History |
Global Studies |
Search Youth Voices using
or something similar.
Ask your teacher or a fellow |
Search Youth Voices using
or something similar.
Ask your teacher or a student |
Search Youth Voices using
Ask your teacher or another
In the Post Comment button here (on P2PU) add a link to your comment on Youth Voices. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done.
We encourage students to break out of these overly structured "sentence starters" and create your own kinds of response. However, we do ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines:
Speak directly to the student or teacher whose post you are responding to
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Quote from the post or describe specific details (of an image or video).
Relate the work to your own experiences or to another text, image, video, or audio that this one reminds you of.
- Be encouraging and generous with your remarks. End on a positive note.