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Chapter 3: Make the Cross Compile Tools [July 13, 2012, 11:16 a.m.]

Well you've caught up with me. Here's a link to a fully compiled book,

That book is going to take it from here. I'll just be providing you with RPM specs for the next three chapters. Ideally, you should try writing your own, but it is very frustrating when a build is failing and you don't know why. You can of course simply run

$ rpmbuild -ba ~/clfs/specs/package.spec
# rpm -i ~/clfs/packages/i386/package-i386.rpm

for every spec I've provided here to build CLFS. However, it would probably be more educational if you treaded them as a reference.

That said, believe it or not, though, you've already got the hard part done. Building CLFS is just going to be a continuation of what we've already done. I've shown you how to build your own packages from source, keep your build instructions under a source code management system (we're using git) , patch programs on your own, and port software into other environments. That should be all you need to know to be successful with CLFS. Honest!

One more note. From here on out, I'll be building CLFS on my slackware machine. I'm mentioning this for people building on windows. My aim in focusing on windows in earlier chapters was to hit as many platforms as possible all at once; it's a safe bet usually that if you can build on MinGW and Cygwin, you can build on most BSD flavors including Darwin (Mac). And LFS has always been easiest to build on a linux system. My interest in building on my linux machine from here on out is in getting you quick and accurate instructions. Compiling simply takes longer on a MinGW machine.

So if you end up with any incompatibilities from here on out, please let me know.

All that said, here's the specs.