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Create a Space to Work In [Jan. 20, 2012, 6:52 p.m.]

A DIY education is no small undertaking. Your plan deserves a space to be mapped out and shared with others.

Here are examples of people who have used the web to track their plan:

  • Pippa Buchanan:
  • Weezie Yancel-Siegel:
  • Wendy Dunst:
  • Devin Fraze:

Create a space on the web to work in and share it. Start a blog like Pippa or add a page to your website like Devin. You can Hack P2PU like Wendy to map a plan others can copy and and customize. Or you can build a whole site around your plan like Weezie.

Need help? Just ask a DIY U mentor for some advice. We're here to help!