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What is my vision?


Before you start looking for a fellowship, you need to know what you want to achieve in the world. This can be anything from become a corporate lawyer who travels the world, to changing education for girl children, or even juts living in Sweden for a summer.

Complete the following questions for yourself:

1) What are my core values?

2) What are my personal goals?

3) What are my professional goals?

4) Is geography or culture important to me? If so, where do I want to be in the world?

5) What do I need to achieve my goals?

6) Why do I think a fellowship will help me achieve these goals?

7) How do I see myself at the end of the fellowship?

Discuss these, especially how you think a fellowship will help you, with the group.

Explore whether a fellowship is indeed the right path for you at this time with the group.

Task Discussion