This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Writing - Construct and Express [Dec. 11, 2012, 9:40 a.m.]


At Youth Voices, we believe that "the solutions to our problems, the  inspiration we need to build the institutions relationships and communities that are important to us, lie in our ability to engage in conversations that matter. Conversations about what's important to us will nurture us and help us grow individually and together."  

A Conversation Manifesto by Michele Martin

Here's how you can add to our conversations!

Follow the steps in this mission: Collage Essay, to use and revise all of the writing about your question that you have done so far.

Copy and post this on Youth Voices as a Discussion.

Add a Cretive Commons image, or an EDU-YouTube.

Use Cite This For Me to create a List of Sources.

Record your discussion post using Audacity or YouTube and add the MP3 or video to the Discussion. 

When you have finished, copy the link to your post, and paste it into the comment box below (on this P2PU task), then click Yes, I'm done