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Cell Organelles [July 11, 2013, 9:52 a.m.]

Task 1

Watch this video clip.  Make a note of your answers A - F on your blog

Task 2

Check your answers against those given in this video clip.  Investigate where you had any incorrect answers.  Make sure you know why you made a mistake.  Send a tweet or add a post on on your blog about a good source to get answers.

Task 3

In the first video clips, you can see that there were many mitochondria organelles.  Explain why there are these types of organelles in this cell.  Post your answer on your blog.  Now check your answer against this model answer.  How close were you?  Share your reflections on your blog.

Task 4

Watch this video clip which shows a diagram of a different cell.  What is organelle 'Y'?  The answer is given at the end of the video.

Explain how these organelles help the cell to absorb the products of digestion.  Write your answer on your blog. 

This video clip has a model answer.  Compare your answer with the model answer.  On your blog, give an assessment of your answer.

Task 5

AS exam questions often require extended answers to show high levels of understanding.  One example of such a question is:

Epithelial cells that line the small intestine are adapted for the absorption of glucose.  Explain how

Answer that question, posting your answer on your blog.

Now look at this video clip.  This gives examples of poor answers that are often given to this question, as well as a model answer.  Check your answer against those given in the video.  How does yours compare?  Post your reflections on your blog.