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Full Description [May 28, 2011, 2:59 p.m.]

Please fill out the study group's full description. In this page you could:

  • This Study Group will provide an introduction to Geometric Algebra (GA); if there is sufficient interest it will be followed by another (or this one may be extended to include an introduction to conformal GA (5 dimensional).
  • I became interested in this topic some years ago mainly because of a dissatisfaction with the concentration on purely algebraic descriptions of geometry at the expense of geometric intuition. A search for alternatives turned up a primer on GA and that was that. I hope you find it as impressive as I did.
  • While I haven't put strict time limits on Tasks completion apart from the first two Tasks, I will only be motivated myself to continue supplying new Tasks and materials, answering questions etc, if I detect an equal amount of motivation on your part.
  • At some point, you will all be able to reduce a range of common geometrical problems to their geometric algebra specification and solve them.