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Take the dance floor [March 4, 2012, 12:03 p.m.]

The time has come for everyone to create their awesome "Challenge" ideas. You can do this in 3 steps but feel free to improvise. 

1. Make it a post-it party

Start by asking your participants to write down on a postit what is it that they want to teach others about. Place the postits on a wall, read them out loud and group everyone in small teams based on their interests. Smaller groups of 2 to 3 people work better in most situations but it is up to you to organize your crew however you like. Once everyone is set and ready to go, you can point people to this set of tasks that can help anyone get started with making a Challenge.

2. Have everyone take over the dance floor. Often.

Make sure to provide some stopping points for people to take the dance floor, share out their progress and get some ideas. You can organize those stopping points in your session either by having your participants gather around after a specific time period, say 20 minutes and/or after giving them smaller goals to accomplish within that time frame based on these tasks. For example you can say, you have 20 minutes to come up with the "Big Idea" for your Challenge or you have 20 minutes to prepare a "Pitch" for your Challenge.

When taking the dance floor, you can initiate feedback by asking guiding questions such as;


  • What is the big idea?
  • What is the problem you are asking your learners to solve?
  • What is the context?
  • What is the goal?
  • What are your learners making at the end?
  • Does it sound fun?
  • Do you know of any similar activities?

3. Pull your best dance moves. Optional.