Get to Know Badges [June 8, 2012, 10:11 a.m.]
Badges are a lightweight, engaging way to recognize learning. At P2PU, we've pioneered the use of badges as assessment. Check out our published paper on the subject. Our badge model even scaled for a pilot of 500 learners with our Webmaking 101 Challenge. We've won grants for our badge program, to boot.
But how do badges actually work? How can you make one?
Say you’re designing a Challenge at P2PU. Or as a learner you notice a skill that’s not currently captured by P2PU’s suite of badges. You’d like to make a badge yourself. OK, sweet.
Add some background info about badges. Link to
Explain the process:
1. link to the knowledge base page
2. link to the template pad
3 summary of the process (communnity review and all that)
Add a couple of badges in here to make it less dull (only text)
A section about introducing yourself in the comments.