This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Reading Response - Wonder and Dream [Aug. 19, 2012, 2:03 p.m.]

Find 2 or 3 journal articles, reports, or scholarly studies on your inquiry. Print (or add to Crocodoc), then read and annotate. These sources should have higher text complexity and be academic. Use the Guide: Dialectical Notes. Make your Notes public. Link Notes and articles at the bottom of your post.

For this task, choose one of the following places to begin your research:

Image for issue at Youth Voices

No matter what teachers and others think about the accuracy and reliability of Wikipedia, most agree that it's a good launching pad for finding more solid sources for your research.


In the Post Comment button here (on P2PU) add a link to your Discussion on Youth Voices. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done .