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Full Description [July 29, 2011, 11:39 a.m.]

About Me

I'm a Java web application developer, active in the open source operating system Ubuntu's community, and want to contribute code to an open source project. What better way than to do it with the new platform that will be P2PU? 

I'm not a Python expert, but have gotten Python and Django running locally (Ubuntu) at home and contributed to the Lernanta project. I have some experience with the versioning system git which Lernata uses. Plus, I have taken a few courses at P2PU.

This is an introduction to contributing to the open source platform that P2PU runs on: Lernanta. Lernanta is based on (also referred to as a fork of) Mozilla's Batucada project and is a Python/Django web application whose code is on GitHub. 

We, in study group style, will learn together how to successfully contribute as developers to Lernanta!

We'll walk through the whole process together from getting the code, running it locally, finding a bug to fix, fixing the bug in pairs or small groups, and contributing the fix to the Lernanta project.

How to sign-up for this course/study group/seminar/activity
Please click "participate" to fill out the questions. If you would just like to "follow" to see what's new and different over time, just click "follow."


Course Schedule and topics

When   What
1 April 25 - May 1 Introduction
2 May 2 - 8 Create development environment
3 May 9 - 15 Experiment
4 May 16 - 30 Fix a bug
4 May 31 Group feedback survey



(Hat tip to Stian for a lot of ideas and some lifted text for this page!)