This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Introduction to the Group [April 25, 2012, 3:01 a.m.]

Introduction to the group and each other


Try to use this platform as much as possible to complete this challenge. Help is also available via the p2pu-dev IRC channel and p2pu-dev mailing list, but more on that later.


Lernanta is the platform used to run the P2PU site. We are building on the codebase from Batucada, a rewrite of by Mozilla. It uses Python, Django, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.

Writing Task: (Please post as a comment.)

What operating systems or programming experience do you have?

How do you wish to contribute to Lernanta? Contribute to the code? Run your own instance? Help with translation?

Also, how do you define open source? If you have good links, that's great. If you have experience, please share it. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Especially from the viewpoint of someone new?


Definition from the Open Source Initiative