This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Task One: Introduction to the Course [April 4, 2011, 1:44 p.m.]


Introduction to the group and each other

When: April 25 - May 1

Survey of operating systems and experiences

Windows Vista 32bit Using Oracle VM VirtualBox Running Ubuntu 10.10
was able to get Django "hello world" sample site up and running but fell short of getting Bacucada dependacies installed



  • Mailing list? Use p2pu-dev existing mailing list or make a new one?
  • Blogs? Can post code and we can subscribe to the RSS
  • IRC? Use #p2pu-dev on freenode. 


  • Tasks 1-3 are one week each, then task 4 is 2? weeks

Definition of Open Source
definition from the Open Source Initiative


Definition of Lernanta


Sean Suggs (Participant)
Web Developer from Houston currently working for a .Net Development company called Digital Function where we produce a proprietary CMS. I've been lurking in the shadows of the lernanta developers for a little while now just helping out where i can. I'm very anxious to help more in the future but, first ive got to document the processes required to get Lernanta (Bacucada) up and running within a windows environment.