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Full Description [Aug. 29, 2011, 8:21 p.m.]


Introduction to Valuation with Spreadsheets (Calc - OpenOffice)

As stated in the description, the aim of the course is to give the participants the necessary knowledge and tools to be able to valuate any asset or company through the most used valuation methods. In order to do it, it is mandatory to start the course with some theorical concepts to progresively move to a more practical approach.

The course will be divided into three different sections, having all of them a theorical and a practical component

Section 1. Introduction to Accounting and Finance:

a) Profit & Loss Account

b) Balance Sheet

c) Cash Flow Statement


Section 2. Most used valuation methodologies

a) Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

b) Comparable Company Analysis

c) Precedent Transaction Analysis


Section 3. Main formulas and tools used in Calc (OpenOffice)


Learning Objectives

Participants in this course will:

a) Gain an understanding of the basic concepts and principles in Accounting and Finance

b) Understand how to make basic valuations of assets and the methodology behind it

c) Learn to use a spreadsheet as a financial instrument