Set the stage. [July 9, 2012, 5:58 a.m.]
Your task:
Post an answer to: "Who is coming to your course?" You can:
- Draw a picture of a potential P2PU peer
- Brainstorm 3 words that your peers might use
- List where your potential peers hang out--either on the web or in real life (IRL)
- Post a URL to your course with the tasks inserted with skills.
Step 1: Define your audience.
Who is your coming? What will attract them?
Think about the skills they want. You can tag your course with those skills in the "Course Creation" page.
Consider what language they use. You may want to phrase your tasks and activities in terms they are familiar with.
Where do they hang out? Think about the places, activities and tools that get your peers jazzed up.
Step 2: Identify Skills.
What do you want learners to be able to do when they are done?
- Make a list of skills you want folks to master in your course. Why are these skills important to your audience?
- Go ahead an create tasks for your course (in Step 2 of the "Course Creation" process).
- Name the tasks with the skills you've identified. For instance, if the skill is "Draw a Project from a 3D Perspective" you might name your task exactly that!