This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Full Description


Young children are naturally drawn to harmony, balance and order. They are naturally drawn to math, the math that goes beyond counting and simple arithmetic. Math is beautiful and fun and it all starts early on with a few simple games.

This is what this course is about - quick, simple and fun games that parents can play with kids to explore math.

Every weekday for the next 4 weeks you will see
  • a new math activity to try with your child that takes virtually no time to prepare
  • a math concept behind it
  • how to adapt it for children of different ages, from infants to elementary school students
  • variations to keep it interesting for children with various learning styles - and for parents!

Once a week you will have an opportunity to join us and other parents in live webinars to learn more about teaching math to your child naturally, and to share your stories.

You can also share your ideas, photos, and stories by e-mailing the group, uploading picture to Flickr, or joining the Moebius Noodles Facebook group.

Vi Hart Polyhedra Balloons
Photo: Vi Hart with balloon polyhedra

Learning Objectives

  • Lead math games
  • Help kids see fundamentals of mathematics early on
  • Help other parents by sharing your ideas and pictures


This course is for parents, or for educators working with young children in family-like settings. The course assumes you spend time the kid(s) daily.

Sign-Up Task

Think of one question about doing mathematics with your child. Email it to Maria Droujkova

In the email, please include your P2PU username.

Task Discussion