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III: About ‘Badge Earners’ [March 4, 2013, 5:13 p.m.]

Who is an ‘Earner’?

An earner is someone who completes the learning experiences successfully and ‘earns’ an open badge for their effort. They can store their collected badges in the Mozilla Backpack and display them on the Web in such places as their Web site, social media profile, or blog in order to tell others more about their informal learning and skills.

Read more.

Who can become an Earner?

Anyone can become an earner as long as the experience allows them to be. They can be any age, in any location, or of any skill set. Because there are limitation on who can become an earner, badges have the potential of serving many different purposes such as crediting informal learning, skills for employment, credit for participation in emerging fields not currently represented by formal education, and much more.

Click here to take a look at a more detailed list provided by Mozilla.

Who is your audience? Who are your Earners?

While anyone can become an earner, it is important to think about how your audience can vary when developing your learning experience. How open is your learning experience? Consider the different experiences and age ranges that might take part. You may have to vary your activities, provide optional learning opportunities for those who do not meet the prerequisite knowledge needed to understand the information,or offer different options for learning the material that may appeal to different fields.

Discussion Prompt:
Take some time to think about your earners.

  1. List up to 5 different possible earner profiles. (Check out sample profiles on The Edupunk Guide homepage.)
  2. What learning experience accommodations do you need to make for your diverse group of earners?