Agree on Desired Outcomes [Feb. 20, 2012, 4:15 a.m.]

If some of these steps don't fit, or you want to improve them, hack the model and tell us about it.
Download the Sample Learning Lab Plan
Challenge your crew to remix the web using Hackasaurus. Comparisons of the BEFORE (original URL) and AFTER (hacked URL) can be shared to pledge for the HTML Decoder badge. Here are 2 assignments for your crew but you might also invent your own invent your own. Submit Before and After URLs or screenshots to the discussion wall for each of your crew members.
Choose a theme/subject matter of your expertise and an "inappropriate"/"inaccurate" webpage related to it. Ask your staff to remix the page using Hackasaurus to make it better. Pledge for your badge simply by linking to the URL of staff member's work. (with the X-Ray Goggles on, Press P to publish the site)
Pick a few poorly designed webpages (websites that are in desperate need of improvement) and ask your staff to remix the suggested pages, and showcase their work using the URL generated via Hackasaurus.
Choose a theme/subject matter of your expertise and an "inappropriate"/"inaccurate" webpage related to it. Ask your staff to remix the page using Hackasaurus to make it better. Pledge for your badge simply by linking to the URL of staff member's work. (with the X-Ray Goggles on, Press P to publish the site)
You're ready to hack the curriculum to fit with your learning objectives and key issue:
Hack the Ice Breaker The Ice Breaker Activity is a way to get people warmed up and thinking about the concepts you're (strategically!) putting forth in your plan. It'll also help your participants understand what "hacking" actually means. Adapt the Hackasaurus Ice Breaker Activity "Hack the Robot Dance" to fit with your objectives and theme.
Plan the Instruction Activity The instruction activity is the "learning lab" part of the event. This is the activity that introduces more targeted skills or concepts to your participants. The Hackasaurus "Try on Your XRay Goggles" module will show participants how to use the XRay goggles to hack a webpage. Look at the example activity. Hack it to fit with your key issue/theme. Think about how you'll organize groups and facilitate this activitity.
Create the Design Challenge Now participants will apply what they learned. Come up with a small challenge to demonstrate what's been learned. For example, ask participants to create fictional identities and web assets (websites, content, imagery, etc.) by remixing websites using the XRay Goggles. Play with the design challenge to fit with your key issue.
Share your event plans here in the task discussion. If you've posted your plans on your blog, share the URL in the task discussion. Give feedback about your peers' agendas & activities. Help them think through a successful event. If you hacked the agenda, tell us about it. Comment on two of your peers posts.