Agree on Desired Outcomes [Feb. 22, 2012, 6:37 p.m.]

If these steps don't fit your ideas hack them and tell us about it.
Download the Sample Hackasaurus Jam event plan here
Hack the Ice Breaker The Ice Breaker Activity is a way to get people warmed up and thinking about the concepts you're (strategically!) putting forth in your jam. The icebreaker described in the Hackasaurus Jam sample evnt plan helps participants understand what "hacking" actually means. Adapt the Hackasaurus Ice Breaker Activity "Hack the Robot Dance" to fit with your objectives and theme.
Plan the Instruction Activity The instruction activity is the learning lab part of your event. This is the activity that introduces more targeted skills or concepts to your participants. The Hackasaurus "Try on Your X-Ray Goggles" module will show participants how to use the XRay goggles to hack a webpage. Look at the example activity. Hack it to fit with your key theme. Think about how you'll organize groups and facilitate this activitity.
Create a Design Challenge Participants will apply what they learned by making something that requires their new skills. Craft a challenge that sparks curiosity and engages your participants. For example, ask participants to create fictional superhero identities and web assets (websites, content, imagery, etc.) by remixing websites using the X-Ray Goggles. Remix the design challenge to fit with your key theme.
Share your event plans here in the Task Discussion and give feedback to 2 others who have posted their plans to the discussion.
Alternatively, you can post your work for this challenge on your blog and link to it in the Task Discussion.