Um, I got carried away. I love me some mad libs.
This is in 3.2.
#greet the player
first_name = str (input ('What\'s your name? Please type it and hit enter.\n'))
print ('Cheers, ' + first_name + '!')
print ('Hey ' + first_name + ', let\'s make a Mad Lib!\n')
#take player input for words to be used in the mad lib
place = str (input ('Type in a place. '))
day_of_week = str (input ('Now a day of the week. '))
term_of_friendship = str (input ('Now something you\'d call a friend. '))
adjective_1 = str (input ('Now an adjective. '))
number_1 = str (input ('Now an amount. '))
adjective_2 = str (input ('Another adjective. '))
verb_ending_in_ing_1 = str (input ('A verb ending in \"ing\". '))
verb_ending_in_ing_2 = str (input ('Another verb ending in \"ing\". '))
outdoor_noun_1 = str (input ('Something you find outdoors? '))
emotional_state_1 = str (input ('A feeling? '))
number_2 = str (input ('A number? '))
number_3 = str (input ('Another amount? '))
adjective_3 = str (input ('Another adjective. '))
article_of_clothing_plural = str (input ('An article of clothing, plural? '))
verb_ending_in_ing_3 = str (input ('Another verb ending in \"ing\". '))
verb_ending_in_ing_4 = str (input ('Another verb ending in \"ing\". '))
verb_ending_in_ing_5 = str (input ('Another verb ending in \"ing\". '))
adverb_1 = str (input ('Now an adverb. '))
adjective_4 = str (input ('Another adjective. '))
occupation = str (input ('Now an occupation. '))
company = str (input ('Now a company. '))
emotional_state_2 = str (input ('Another feeling. '))
adjective_3 = str (input ('Another adjective. '))
adjective_5 = str (input ('Adjective. '))
verb_ending_in_ed_1 = str (input ('Verb, past tense? '))
verb_ending_in_ed_2 = str (input ('Another verb, past tense? '))
verb_1 = str (input ('Verb. '))
verb_2 = str (input ('Another verb. '))
verb_3= str (input ('Another verb. '))
emotional_state_3 = str (input ('Another feeling. '))
noun_1 = str (input ('Noun. '))
motion_verb_ending_in_ed_3 = str (input ('Past tense verb? '))
outdoor_noun_2 = str (input ('Something you find outdoors? '))
verb_ending_in_ing_6 = str (input ('Another verb ending in \"ing\". '))
noun_2 = str (input ('Noun. '))
adjective_6 = str (input ('Adjective. '))
#combine input words with fixed text to create mad lib
print ('''\n\nGood day, ''' + first_name + ''', did you go down to Occupy ''' +
place + ''' last ''' + day_of_week + '''?
No? ''' + term_of_friendship + ''', it was completely ''' + adjective_1 + '''.
At first, only ''' + number_1 + ''' people were there,
and they were pretty ''' + adjective_2 + ''', mostly just '''
+ verb_ending_in_ing_1 + ''' and ''' + verb_ending_in_ing_2 + ''' around the ''' + outdoor_noun_1 + ''',
but everybody still seemed fairly ''' + emotional_state_1 + '''.
By ''' + number_2 + ''' o’clock though, another ''' + number_3 + ''' more people showed up,
and every one of them had on ''' + adjective_3 + ''' ''' + article_of_clothing_plural + '''.
They all started ''' + verb_ending_in_ing_3 + ''' and ''' + verb_ending_in_ing_4 + ''',
and even ''' + verb_ending_in_ing_5 + ''' with each other.
It was ''' + adverb_1 + ''' ''' + adjective_4 + '''.
I talked to one guy, who is a ''' + occupation + ''' at ''' + company + ''',
who said he had never felt so ''' + emotional_state_2 + ''' to be a part of something so ''' +
adjective_3 + ''' and ''' + adjective_5 + '''.
He was so into it, he ''' + verb_ending_in_ed_1 + ''' and ''' + verb_ending_in_ed_2 +
''' until he had to ''' + verb_1 + '''.
He said that if we don’t ''' + verb_2 + ''' today, we might ''' + verb_3 + ''' tomorrow.
Well, as you can imagine, I was so ''' + emotional_state_3 + '''
that I promptly took my ''' + noun_1 + ''', ''' + motion_verb_ending_in_ed_3 + '''
over to the nearest ''' + outdoor_noun_2 + ''', and started ''' + verb_ending_in_ing_6 + '''.
''' + first_name + ''', you have to go with me tomorrow.
Be sure to pack your ''' + noun_2 + '''. It’s gonna be ''' + adjective_6 + '''. ''')