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Write your own MadLib! [Dec. 16, 2011, 4:45 p.m.]

1. Open Wing IDE and create a new file.

2. You may want to plan your story out on paper first - what variables will you need?

3. You may choose to start by writing the code for getting information from the player first, or by writing the story first.

4. If you have trouble with the code, try using Google to figure out your problems. Or, you can ask your questions in the discussion area below.

5. When you're done, copy and paste the code for your MadLib into the discussion area below. That way, other people can play your MadLib!

6. To play someone else's MadLib, copy someone's code from the discussion area below, and paste it into the top-left corner of a new file in Wing IDE. Click the green "play" arrow and play the game in the lower-right corner. Let others know what you think of their MadLibs!