Task 4: Armaggedon - "It shall be for a time, times and a half a time"
I could not call this a credible pseudoHistory course if I could not tell you the date for Armageddon.
This task requires you answer the following question.
What is the date for the end of the world?
Quote three authorities that support the hypothesis for the end of the world.
Conclude by giving your own opinion of which date is more likely and why?
Read the following extracts and then write your answer.

Extract 1:
...His famously analytical mind worked out the laws of gravity and unravelled the motion of the planets.
And when it came to predicting the end of the world, Sir Isaac Newton was just as precise.
He believed the Apocalypse would come in 2060, exactly 1,260 years after the foundation of the Holy Roman Empire,
according to a recently published letter. ...
See the full article here:
extract 2:

...Using remarkable ingenuity, the Maya created the "Long Count" calendar, a departure from the shorter calendars.
The Long Count is a numerically predictable calendar, not based on archaic measures of time.
Now, purely as a consequence of the Long Count's numerical value,
many Mayan scholars agree that the calendar will "run out" after 5,126 years (or, at least, it's first cycle does).
The Mayans set this calendar to begin in the year 3114 B.C. (according to our modern Gregorian calendar).
If the Long Count began in 3114 B.C. and it's calculated to continue for 5126 years,
the "end date" will be -- you guessed it -- 2012 A.D.
Further refinement sets the date to Dec. 21, the day of the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. ...
See the full article here:
Extract 3:
...Astrologically, the beginning of the next aeon, according to the starting point you select falls between AD 2000 and AD 2200.
Starting from the star "O" and assuming a Platonic month of 2 143 years,
one would arrive at AD 2154 for the beginning of the Aquarian Age,
and at AD 1997 if you start at star "a 113."
The latter date agrees with the longitude of the stars in Ptolemy's Almagest, p. 199, n. 1.
(Dr Jung)
Okay answering the question.
In your first sentence state that predicting the end of the world has been a preoccupation of historians throught time.
In your next three sentences mention Newton, the Mayan calander and the date for the age of Aquarius.
Finally speculate on a date and say why.
This task requires you answer the following question.
What is the date for the end of the world?
Quote three authorities that support the hypothesis for the end of the world.
Conclude by giving your own opinion of which date is more likely and why?
Read the following extracts and then write your answer.

Extract 1:
...His famously analytical mind worked out the laws of gravity and unravelled the motion of the planets.
And when it came to predicting the end of the world, Sir Isaac Newton was just as precise.
He believed the Apocalypse would come in 2060, exactly 1,260 years after the foundation of the Holy Roman Empire,
according to a recently published letter. ...
See the full article here:
extract 2:

...Using remarkable ingenuity, the Maya created the "Long Count" calendar, a departure from the shorter calendars.
The Long Count is a numerically predictable calendar, not based on archaic measures of time.
Now, purely as a consequence of the Long Count's numerical value,
many Mayan scholars agree that the calendar will "run out" after 5,126 years (or, at least, it's first cycle does).
The Mayans set this calendar to begin in the year 3114 B.C. (according to our modern Gregorian calendar).
If the Long Count began in 3114 B.C. and it's calculated to continue for 5126 years,
the "end date" will be -- you guessed it -- 2012 A.D.
Further refinement sets the date to Dec. 21, the day of the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. ...
See the full article here:
Extract 3:
...Astrologically, the beginning of the next aeon, according to the starting point you select falls between AD 2000 and AD 2200.
Starting from the star "O" and assuming a Platonic month of 2 143 years,
one would arrive at AD 2154 for the beginning of the Aquarian Age,
and at AD 1997 if you start at star "a 113."
The latter date agrees with the longitude of the stars in Ptolemy's Almagest, p. 199, n. 1.
(Dr Jung)
Okay answering the question.
In your first sentence state that predicting the end of the world has been a preoccupation of historians throught time.
In your next three sentences mention Newton, the Mayan calander and the date for the age of Aquarius.
Finally speculate on a date and say why.