- 1 Format for answering the questions
- 2 Task 2. Historical Kings lists (Alba Longa)
- 3 Task 3: Beware Frenchmen bearing gifts! Napoleon and the Rosetta stone
- 4 Task 4: Armaggedon - "It shall be for a time, times and a half a time"
- 5 Task 5: Solomon's temples or wild imaginations - maybe
- 6 Task 6: Library at Anatolia (Hittites)
- 7 Task 7: Jesus. Man or God? Only the Council of Nicea can decide
- 8 Task 8: What was Paganism? Ancient Olympics
- 9 Task 9: 1066 AD. Was it a family feud?
- 10 Task 10: Anglo Saxons. Entrepreuneurial, pagan, barbarians