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This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Advance Hacking

Adding extra features to the application

The previous tasks guide you through the process of creating a simple application of image clasification using the Flickr community as a backend.

The demo application can be extended without too many problems in several ways:

  • Refine searches based on specific tags (check pybossa-aging)
  • Use a different layout to request information from users like:

    • Colors
    • Shapes
    • etc.
  • Create a daemon or service that automatically will add new tasks to the application (check the contrib folder for further details).

If you add any of these feature to your application, please post them here and share with us your skills! Check the official documentation of the PyBossa platform to get a better idea about all the posibilities of this framework and how it can be improved.

Task Discussion