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Organize your resources.

It's important to keep track of the resources you're using. Let's get organized!

This is Part 2 of Teach someone something with open content.



There is no one right way to keep track of your resources. If you already have a system you're comfortable with for keeping track of something else in your life, like recipes or references, that might be the best way to go. You can keep a simple list of URLs in a document editor like Google doc or Etherpad, you can use your browser's bookmark manager, or, if you have a lot to manage, you might explore bibliographic software like Zotero



  1. Decide how you are going to organize and keep track of your resources. 
  2. Make sure you know where you found all your content. Note the things like the website URL and the creator. Also, what open license did it have? When was it created and/or pubilshed? 
  3. Confirm that you have the right to use all the resources you found; you may discover that you don't have the rights to use every resource. The resource may be licensed under a Creative Commons license that doesn't permit the kind of use you want to make, or have unclear copyright status. Which resources do not give you the rights you want? You might want to do another search to find openly licensed materials to replace those.



Consider where you found your resources. Did you like particular features about the websites or platforms hosting those resources? For example, did the platform make it easier for you to identify the CC or other open license of the resource? You may want to keep a list of the sites you liked for future use, eg. for sharing back your resulting work.

Task Discussion

  • Laura said:

    Hi to everyone!

    Well, for me is more easy save the links directly in the markers of my browser (mozilla firefox), I have them organized by themes and I can find what I need quickly and efficiently. I tried to use Diigo, maybe I didn't try it so much, but I found it unnecessary for me, so much options and icons and stuff.

    About find resources and identify the type of license, I have followed the indications in the resources in this course, and if I don't find it I prefer don't use it. But in this moment, I have been searching resources in the pages indicated and I have had not problems with that. A thing very important for me is the education about find the license in the works, like an habit now.

    on April 7, 2014, 2:14 a.m.
  • Elizabeth said:

    I use Diigo to keep all my links.  I like it because it's easy to bookmark on the fly, and tags are so flexible.  I can find all my links on any give subject very quickly. Plus I can share a subset of links with a specific group of people.

    Usage rights are sometimes clear and sometimes tricky.  Right now I'm wondering about standard youtube licensing. If you embed a youtube movie in a work, the movie is always linked back to the original on youtube. Is that a good enough way to cite the source?  I know that since 2011 youtube movies can be given CC licenses, but the one I liked doesn't yet have that.

    on March 27, 2014, 1:46 p.m.

    Jane Park said:

    Hey Elizabeth! I don't know about citing non-CC licensed works, since best practices for that vary by community (eg. MLA citation for schools), but YouTube probably has its own TOS that users who upload videos to agree to. If you're curious, I would look at which mentions the embeddable player many times.

    on March 31, 2014, 6:48 p.m. in reply to Elizabeth

    Jane Park said:

    Here is also Terms of Service; Didn't Read's interpretation of YouTube's TOS:

    on March 31, 2014, 6:50 p.m. in reply to Elizabeth
  • Lena said:

    I like to use Google docs to keep track of resources, especially for group projects. For academic works, I usually create a bibliography as I use sources. 

    on Oct. 24, 2013, 3:53 p.m.
  • Sabrina said:

    To keep track of my resources, I like to create a Word document with all of the URL's for quick and easy retrieval the next time I need to use those resources.

    From the resources I came across, some websites had their CC rights clearly stated at the bottom of the page with easy access for human-readable summaries of the rights.

    Others were strictly copyrighted and were more unclear as to how the resources could be used.

    on Oct. 22, 2013, 10:13 a.m.
  • Clare Forrest said:

    I like using Livebinders because you can organise your data into subject areas so that everything is easy to find.

    Here is my Livebinder - Sources for Free to Use Digital Material

    I will be sharing this with both my students making Book Trailers (so they can find material they can legally use) and with other staff at my school so their students can use it too.

    on Sept. 3, 2013, 6:04 a.m.

    Jane Park said:

    Thanks for sharing! I have never used Livebinder before but it seems like a useful resources for teachers.

    on Sept. 3, 2013, 5:59 p.m. in reply to Clare Forrest
  • Sérgio Leal said:

    Right now I am choosing a LMS to put the links that I have at this time in several Google Docs. If you have your prefered LMS tell me please to try and make my final choise.

    One platform that I use frequently to pick K-12 resources is (and from my country and the platform have license information in (Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed).

    on Aug. 26, 2013, 2:27 p.m.
  • Maria Teresa said:

    I chose to organize the resources collected by me, on Pearltrees because it allows me to classify and organize the different materials in a more visual, through a tree structure.

    Here is the link at my Pearlier repository

    on Aug. 23, 2013, 2:23 p.m.
  • Chilebean said:

    I'm going to organize my creative common links by using a Google Doc.  Our school board has migrated to GAFE (Google Apps for Education), so every educator and student is on the cloud.  I would like my students to create interesting remixes in our Photography unit and I would like to use more resources than just flickr.

    Here's my work in progress google doc.



    on April 26, 2013, 5:50 a.m.

    Jane Park said:

    Great list of sites!

    One note: MorgueFile license, though it is fashioned similar to the CC licenses, is not a CC license -- see So when it comes to combining a CC-licensed work with a Morguefile-licensed work, the different licenses (and their corresponding pieces) would have to be noted clearly in the resulting work. You couldn't put, for example, a CC license on the resulting work since the Morguefile license terms are different (essentially is a custom license or custom copyright terms).

    See this CC FAQ for CC licenses one can put on resulting remixes.

    on April 29, 2013, 6:51 p.m. in reply to Chilebean
  • Aimee said:

    I am going to use Diigo for storing and sorting my resources. I like that I can keep everything organised with tags and lists. I can also share my resources with others and create enhanced linkrolls that I can embed on my blog.

    I have sorted through all of my resources and annotated the ones that I have permission to use. I have included some sites where I can find material such as PhotoPin as well and they don't have a Creative Commons license but they enable me to find content that does. 



    on April 8, 2013, 8:17 p.m.