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Share your work! [July 23, 2012, 9:21 a.m.]

When it comes to sharing your work, think about who your target audience is. Who do you want to teach and/or learn about your topic with? Once you have narrowed it down to one or a few key audiences, think about the websites they frequent the most. For example, if you are sending your little cousin a collection of the best videos on learning Algebra, you might create a playlist on YouTube for him or her to easily watch in one sitting. Perhaps you simply want to put it on your personal website so you can share a link to it with friends and colleagues. If sharing on your own website, remember to follow best practices for marking from Task 3 (
The CC wiki ( lists communities that allow you to host content for free under CC licenses. These communities may also find your work useful and/or help to improve your work. Consider also sharing your work via social media and other tools, such as mailing lists. 
Communities love stories, especially those behind a well assembled resource. Consider documenting the reasoning behind creating the resource you did (eg. to help my little cousin get an A in Algebra!).
Wherever you decide to share your work, post links here. How did you decide to share it the way you did? What other options did you consider, and why did you rule them out? Did any challenges come up? 
(Some text in this task was adapted from Open.Michigan at the University of Michigan under a CC BY license.)